Recommended Columbia Service Intervals
October 30, 2017
Everyone in Columbia, Missouri, knows we are advised to go to our Columbia dentist twice a year. Oral-conscious Columbia residents have a teeth-cleaning and examination. Once a year, we get x-rays to look for problems that can't be seen with the naked eye. When our dentist is done, he/she... More

Ask Tim's Automotive About the Importance of Service Intervals
June 6, 2017
Today in our Tim's Automotive blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life with recommended intervals: What about six-month dental cleanings and regular physical exams? Then there's laundry, mowing the lawn, payin... More

Deciphering the Tim's Automotive Menu Board
May 9, 2017
Let's talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Columbia, Missouri, service centers like Tim's Automotive have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don't know what these services really are unless they ask. Let's go down a typical list, in alphab... More

Should Columbia Soccer Moms Follow the Severe Service Schedule?
December 21, 2016
So you take your vehicle in for maintenance and the pro at Tim's Automotive tells you that you ought to change your oil more often. What? You followed the maintenance schedule but you take a second look at that severe service schedule and see some of the following: 1. Most of your trips around C... More

Deciphering the Tim's Automotive Menu Board
December 18, 2016
Let's talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Columbia, Missouri service centers like Tim's Automotive have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don't know what these services really are unless they ask. Let's go down a typical list, in alphabetical... More