The Tim's Automotive Guide to Servicing Your Differential
January 29, 2018
Differential? What's that? And what's it for? I've been told by my service advisor that I need to get it serviced, but is that on the level?Do these questions sound familiar? They're not uncommon for Columbia drivers. A lot of us in Columbia don't know what a differential is or what it's ... More

Wipe Out! New Wiper Blades for Columbia Drivers
January 21, 2018
When people in Columbia talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around Missouri? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them... More

What to Do In Case of an Accident
January 15, 2018
If you've ever been in a vehicle accident around Columbia, Missouri, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.Let's review what you should do in case of an accident in Columbia, Missouri:When an accident occurs, you should always ... More

Why Synthetic Oil Is Best for Columbia Drivers
January 7, 2018
Hello Columbia! Today's Tim's Automotive vehicle care topic is: Synthetic Oil vs. Petroleum Based Oil. Synthetic motor oil is a substitute for petroleum based oil. If you aren't currently using it, why not? Synthetic motor oil maximizes engine power and fuel economy. To see why, we'd need... More

Fuel System Cleaning at Tim's Automotive in Columbia for Better Performance
January 2, 2018
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel i... More