A Cool and Smooth Transmission in Columbia
August 29, 2017
August 29, 2017
When it comes to preventive maintenance on our vehicles, most of us Columbia drivers remember to get our oil changed. But services that occur at longer intervals — like transmission service — sometimes get overlooked. Yet transmission service is part of car care. A poorly maintained transmission will fail and lead to repairs.
The transmission transfers power from the engine to the drive wheels. When it's clean and well-lubricated, it gives maximum fuel efficiency. But when it gets dirty or worn down, your transmission will suffer. Your transmission relies on transmission fluid to keep everything running well.
This is why the transmission fluid must be changed periodically. Your owner's manual will give you a recommended time schedule for this service. Or, you can ask your friendly and knowledgeable Tim's Automotive service advisor. Generally, the interval is around 35,000 miles (55,000 km) or every two years. But the interval for your vehicle may be shorter or longer.
At Tim's Automotive in Columbia, transmission fluid can usually be changed while you wait and is simple and not particularly expensive. Compared to the cost of transmission repairs or a new transmission, it's downright cheap! So take some good auto advice from the team at Tim's Automotive and take care of your transmission. It will pay you back in a longer, smoother ride.
Tim's Automotive
5822 Brown Station Rd
Columbia, Missouri 65202
February 13, 2018
Because 90% of our driving decisions are based on visual information, unobscured vision is paramount. Which brings us to the topic of today's Tim's Automotive article: wiper blades. While this isn't the most exciting automotive subject, it's important. You wouldn't drive at night in Columbia with... More
February 5, 2018
Engines get hot when they run. This heat can build up and damage vital engine parts, so engines need a cooling system to keep them running. Cooling system failure is the most common mechanical failure in vehicles. This is unfortunate, because these failures are usually easy for Columbia d... More
January 29, 2018
Differential? What's that? And what's it for? I've been told by my service advisor that I need to get it serviced, but is that on the level?Do these questions sound familiar? They're not uncommon for Columbia drivers. A lot of us in Columbia don't know what a differential is or what it's ... More